
At Higgins Miller  Solicitors we have always been committed to resolving your case in the best way possible for you and your circumstances.

That can be done in lots of different ways such as face to face negotiation, letters and phone calls between solicitors and, sometimes, court.

We have always been committed to mediation: the idea that a separated couple come together with an independent mediator to discuss matters over a series of sessions, listen to each others point of view and try and reach an agreed solution. The mediator does not impose or decide anything. Their job is to facilitate and steer the discussion.

For many (but not all) cases mediation is an excellent (and much cheaper) way of resolving family disputes.

There are number of approved mediators. Family Mediation Manchester have offices throughout the North West. They have a number of very experienced mediators who have an excellent understanding of family disputes and the pressures that these brings.

Mediation is voluntary, in the right case it can produce excellent results. Invariably agreements reached in mediation are much more likely to be stuck to by the parties.

In the coming weeks the Ministry of Justice will announce requirements that before starting court proceedings the applicant must have considered mediation. This does not mean that the parties have to mediate. But, before making an application to court to resolve issues about finances or children, the applicant must have contacted an approved mediator who must certify that the case is not suitable for mediation; that may be because one or both of the parties  do not want to mediate.

The hope of course is that more cases will be resolved early on without the need the need for court proceedings.

The new scheme will be in force from 6th April 2011. In the coming weeks we should receive more information about how it will work.

At Higgins Miller Solicitors we have always been committed to mediation in the right circumstances. We can discuss whether it’s right for your case, make the referral and advise you on the issues raised and agreement reached in mediation

For more information please contact us by telephone on 0161 429 7251 or email