Our Social Services Solicitors Have the Expertise You Need

As a family law firm, Higgins Miller specialises in dealing with issues such as divorce, children disputes and domestic abuse. Our experience in dealing with matters of this kind has taught us that clients need a combination of legal expertise and emotional support when it comes to dealing with legal conflict. We know that the world of the law can be highly daunting, with a language that is difficult for ordinary people to understand and the constant worry about how much a case might cost or what the impact on the wider family will be. All of this is particularly relevant if you find yourself requiring the help of social services solicitors. 

As leading social services solicitors we offer the legal know-how every client is looking for, thanks to the fact that members of our team have been accredited by the Law Society as members of the Children Panel. What this means is that we can guarantee the highest levels of awareness, knowledge and expertise in children’s law. It also means that we work to a specific and rigorous code of practice, so anyone hiring social services solicitors from our team can approach their problems with the peace of mind that they’re in the safest possible hands.

Although there are many varied reasons why you might need social services solicitors, the vast majority of cases revolve around the welfare of children. We know how upsetting and frightening it can be for an individual to be contacted by social services because of concerns over the welfare of a child. In simple terms, social services have a legal duty to intervene if they are concerned that the needs of a child are not being properly met, or that the child in question could be in danger of harm. This could be following some information given by another family member, a member of the public or a professional such as a doctor or a teacher. In many cases, the first step taken by social services will be to send the child’s parent or guardian a letter before proceedings. This letter will set out why the local authority is concerned about the well-being of your child and will ask you to attend a meeting to discuss the matter.

Naturally, anyone with responsibility for the care of a child will be distressed to receive a letter of this kind, and the first instinct is often to panic. That’s why the services of our specialist social services solicitors should be accessed as soon as possible. We’ll explain exactly what the letter means, what meetings such as Child Protection Conferences, Core Groups and PLO meetings involve, and whether the local authority is likely to pursue court proceedings with the intention of removing a child from their home. We’ll explain the terminology and processes in simple, easily understood language, and we’ll make sure that you know exactly what your rights and responsibilities are. 

In some cases, social services may wish to visit your home to investigate the accuracy of any information they have received. If this is the case, we’ll explain exactly what this kind of visit consists of, the kind of questions you are likely to be asked and the other people that social services might wish to talk to, such as teachers at your child’s school. It could be that the initial concern was a misunderstanding, or that it has helped to flag up areas in which you do genuinely need help where the welfare of your child is concerned. No matter the specifics, our social services solicitors will guide you calmly every step of the way to ensure that you are fully and expertly represented, particularly if your case involves court proceedings.

If you’d like to find out more about our social services solicitors or have questions about child welfare and family law, please call us on 0161 429 7251 or email us at [email protected]. We’ve recently passed our Cyber Essential accreditation, something which demonstrates our forward-thinking attitude and determination to remain ahead of the competition. The first 20-minute appraisal is provided free of charge, and we’ll give you the first appointment for a fixed fee, so you don’t have to worry about how much our advice is going to cost. This initial meeting can ensure that you understand why social services have made contact and can feel able to move forward with confidence. If you want to explore our wider charging system then please take a look here

social services solicitors


August 8, 2019

Social Services