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Brief Marriage – Equal Division of assets in divorce

A Court of Appeal ruling today means that couples who have experienced a short marriage are no longer entitled to an equal Division of assets in divorce. Energy trader Julie Sharp has won an appeal to reduce the payout that her ex-husband receives, her successful argument being that a short marriage should not equal half of […]

Easing a Path through the Probate Process

One of the most difficult aspects of the death of someone close to you is the fact that, on top of the emotional impact, there are so many practical and bureaucratic issues which have to be dealt with. Chief amongst these is handling the probate process, and the complexity is such that it is vital […]

What is Involved in Updating A Will?

Writing a will is something which many people put off for as long as possible, presumably because it reminds them of their own mortality. Here at Higgins Miller, however, we’ve seen, time and time again, the chaos that can be caused when somebody dies without setting down exactly how they wish the estate they leave […]

Why the Advice of Probate Solicitors Could be Vital

The work we do as probate solicitors plays a small but significant part in easing the pain and distress caused by the loss of a loved one. Whilst the greatest impact of such a loss is bound to be emotional, there’s no escaping the practical and bureaucratic issues which arise. Dealing with the estate which […]

Child Arrangements Order

For any couple separating after a period spent together, there are bound to be a large number of complex issues which need to be settled. For many couples, these will centre upon financial matters, such as the division of assets including income, pensions and the family home. In other cases the separation might lead to […]

Undefended Divorce

The end of any relationship is a difficult and emotional time for all the parties involved, even in the relatively straightforward circumstances of an undefended divorce. The stress and turmoil inherent in splitting up is often compounded by the practical issues involved, particularly if there are children to consider, or the relationship has lasted several […]

Legal Aid Solicitors Stockport

As a legal aid solicitors Stockport we dedicate ourselves to bringing our expertise and advice to the widest possible range of people. We specialise in family law, handling cases in areas such as divorce and civil partnership, domestic violence and children disputes. We treat every client in the most sympathetic manner possible by ensuring that […]

Divorce from the EU

Today the Prime Minister has sent the letter formally triggering Article 50 which will begin the process of leaving the EU. It is expected to be a long and complicated process with many different issues which will require detailed and extensive negotiation. It has been referred to in the media as like a divorce process, […]

Child Maintenance Law

If you’re one half of a couple which has just separated, or is in the process of doing so, the chances are that you’ll have a range of financial matters which need to be settled. The longer you’ve been together, the more complex these issues are likely to be, and this is particularly the case […]